
It actually depends on what state you're in as to what age constitutes consent.

You forget to mention that with Aviate, the uneducated user doesn't have to worry about Nova, setting it up, adding Zooper or UCCW and figuring all that crap out. Aviate is simple. What ads are you referring to, I don't see any.

She actually needs tits that bounce though, would make it much more watchable.

Sorry I'm out of invites now.


Quite well actually.

As replied to an earlier commenter, been doing it longer and better down here.

Nice job!

You forget, we've been doing it longer....and better.

They don't need that at the fair as it isn't whacky. We've been eating it for years.....

Always been dressing to me.

Need an email address...

Stats are just that, stats. Until that wanna be Roberto Luongo twin gets a ring on his finger, he won't be anything. Guess you didn't get the memo....all Rangers fans are arrogant, it's just the NY way.

Oh seriously, you're worried about "their social media presence"? You are just the type of parent this society doesn't need.


Sent :)

Invite sent.

I got in on the Alpha and love Aviate. I'm not the one who goes nuts with Zooper or UCCW. Aviate is concise, simple and does what you need it to do.

I can invite you if you want to divulge your email

And processed food contains chemicals and preservatives that screw your body up. You should look up what is banned in Europe that the FDA has no issues shoving down Americans throats.