
Have you taken that oath?

As long as they maintain airspace requirements around my property..fine. Once they cross that line.....boom.

It doesn't matter. I had access to Nuclear weapon information. Did I agree with some of But fact is, you took an oath to serve the country and the government whether you like or dislike what you do or are ordered to do. This bullshit of betraying that oath needs to stop. People don't need to know

Dude, how wrong you are. If you are naive to believe that insurance companies don't stereotype then you must live in the darkest cave on this planet. Guess you've never seen the hoards of insurance companies targeted at the poor, the mexicans, etc. They do exist. I'm not resorting to them, just pointing out it

Bodie is a really cool place to visit. I have a friend who was a park ranger there for years and lived there year round.

It's not his decision to make. As someone who was trusted with classified information of a true National Security level, he is a disgrace to those of us who may not agree with everything but do not stoop to the level he did.

Unless I'm already doing 15 over the speed limit....then your tailgating ass can find your own fucking way around me. Don't make a blanket statement like that. Not everyone is the douchebag who's in the left lane at 5-10 under the limit.

I didn't check mine last night but will today :) Glad yours came along!

Sorry, own an Android now......hahaha

I still want to know when current Nexus 7 owners are going to get the 4.3 update..

The only problem is that they don't know because they don't have my SSN. They cannot look up my credit report without it and if for some reason they have it....well then they obtained it illegally. Insurance companies are stereotyping people just like racial stereotypes. I guess it's ok if your white and rich and

It truly isn't a requirement but most companies won't allow them to do business with you unless you provide it. I agree there should be some law keeping companies from just flaunting your SSN around in completely unsafe data systems.

Well my rate is pretty low but if you idiots want to go ahead and give everyone all your personal info then go for it. Me, not happening.

Based on need to know. My insurance company has no clue what I do for a living and they never will. It's also ridiculous to base rates on credit scores as well. Another reason not to give out your SSN.

Sorbet is lame, true cream ice cream is much tastier. Plus why would you want to add that nasty crap they call corn syrup to anything? LOL

Yes at 49 I'm older than you. If you step back and re-read the conversation, you'll notice that it was in humor and you took it too seriously...actually way overboard. At that point, all I was doing was trying to get you to step back and see that but I'll give up trying because if you haven't seen it by now, you're

Most places use it to thwart theft and promote safety. Screw that. Turn the damn things off. I'm fortunate enough to live out far enough that I can see things quite well.

HID lights should be outlawed anyway. It's a safety issue and it blinds other drivers. Also, I will not drive a computer controlled vehicle. I want control, not the computer having control.

Once again, pull the corn cob out of your ass man and step down off your high horse. You're only making yourself look like some self righteous nutjob. Already grown up, probably much older than you. Not everyone gets shitfaced drunk when in port. I guess climbing Mt. Fuji or sightseeing in Tokyo is a bad thing.

Very misleading. Most of us have done it multiple times and guess what....we're still here.