
Wow, someone who knows that initial and steady discipline fixes problems before they ever begin. I commend you sir. There aren't too many of you left.

No one says you have to be a perfect writer to get your point across, but if you want to go need some work yourself.

Because wuss dad's turn out douchebag kids, furthering the downfall of this country.

Shake and Bake!

But I'd still do her :)

This quote says it all.."They throw the books across the room and then go spazzing off to yell at the wall" If your kids do that, you're doing it all wrong to begin with. Grow a sack and put them in their place to begin with then you don't have those problems. Wuss dad's.....the downfall of this country.

Just look at the idiots who choose to live in New Orleans......a city build lower than sea level. If that's not moronic, what is?

Cow Dung.

Not unprovoked when it happens to be true. Living in a world you know will never exist is lunacy at its finest. Sorry, if you can't rip me for a comment, don't assume anything as it will only make you look more whacked than you already are. Sorry, we don't have basements where I live....

Good for you then

But it only works for dumbass ideas that never pan out...

You're drinking the wrong beer then.....

So $7.99 a month isn't little? And if you think it's going to be free then you're kidding yourself and you're an idiot. This is DirecTV we're talking about. Charge charge charge and fee happy assholes.

Well shit, Hulu is going to hell now. I loathe DirecTV, got rid of them and am happy but they're gonna screw up Hulu. Ads are here to stay, that's just a fact. I don't have a problem with them. They're short and a minor annoyance.

And those farms and crop fields are 90% corn now to produce your greeny ethanol which is pathetic.

Wow, you are the type of parent who's led us to the worst point in society we've ever been in. Kids who have no respect or regard for others, no responsibility because they don't really give a shit about reasoning or talking it out.

What's sad is that you let them intimidate you. Get a sack of balls man.

Yes I'm a biofuel, especially corn based ethanol hater. In previous years, all the farms around me produced normal food source crops and now have been planting corn.

Your mpg will drop too while running ethanol mixed gasoline.

Not really, just a factual common sense assessment.