
I was on a sub, it's VLF and ELF. There are antennas in the desert southwest and up near the Great Lakes. VLF is very slow, approx 20 char a min and ELF is even worse. Yes it is meant as a notification system, but a Sub has to trail a long whip antenna behind it to receive either VLF or ELF making it only useful in

Thanks for a great piece, hockey is a universal sport as evidenced by the countries that play. As a lover of the game in general, it saddens me, even for North Korea that their equipment is in such bad shape and the shortage of sticks they have. Companies like Sherwood, Easton and Reebok should donate some items to

What's so great about this if you have to keep the app open? No difference in opening your phone app first. If this was a widget then yeah that would be a nice thing.

Suicide means one of two can't handle problems or you are so mentally ill that you know no better. Personally, I don't mind if people off themselves but don't be an attention whore when doing it.

Most military units including ships, submarines and others have the capability to use HF radio to communicate without satellites. So getting those launch orders out isn't squandered by the death of satellites.

First and foremost, smell your beer!!!! I can't stress that enough. Can you pick out individual smells such as the chocolate in a Milk Stout or the different fruits in a Saison. Smelling will help you in this respect.

Those who spread lies and mistruths. That's who owns the press.

Until that person you call is labeled a terrorist and then you become a target of said investigation. If this doesn't bother you then you might as well go live in Syria where I guess you wouldn't mind if they shut off the internet.

This is a poll of just over 1000 adults.......yeah that's the majority of Americans. Surveys are so full of shit it is pathetic.

So what constitutes a full stop? How long do you have to be not moving? In my state it isn't in the traffic code defining it so you can get out of it if it isn't defined in yours.

Exactly because usually the dumbasses behind you are not paying attention and boom hello rear end collision.

It IS universally true. You can not be charged with a crime. Redlight cameras are a civil matter. They can't absolutely without a doubt say that you were the one committing the crime. This would be like your brother running the light but you getting prosecuted for it. While they try to give you the civil fine

Says it's compatible with my Nexus 7.

LTE is the only thing keeping me with AT&T. T-Mo coverage sucks and MetroPCS coverage sucks as well. Once T-Mo gets off their ass in the DFW area, so long AT&T

Which IMHO is still entirely too much for the little space you get.

Just nice to see :)

Wow bible thumpers everywhere, egad!! I still laugh that they put their whole belief in a book of fiction.

Insert phallic symbol here.

And there is another reason I'll never live in NYC...

I'm just impressed a 16yr old is carrying on the tradition of RickRolling..