
I’d say ‘fuck this guy’ but...wait, I just did.

And just as I was about to say, “If Huckabee had any real power I’d be afraid of him”. He clearly exercises his limited power if horrifying ways already...

One of DuMond’s victims was a distant relative of Bill Clinton, and it’s been alleged that Huckabee was partly inspired to pardon the guy just to spite Bill.

Yeah, but Ben Carson said prison makes you Gay, know...silver lining?

Except that Ben Carson says that being in jail makes you gay. So raping a woman after he got out was just his way to cure himself of the jailgay.

But those smelly, icky gays with their homosex, homosex, and homosex? They deserve nothing but fire and brimstone, and can’t be rehabilitated

This. Do we really want to go back to this? The couples in your story seem to have found some happiness but so many others went through life alone or in love less marriages.

Definitely Not Miss Piggy

Starred based on the title alone. Will read fully when I’m not at work. I’m so fucking SICK of hearing these on-the-fence, tapioca-pudding-chest-cavity-filled motherfuckers going “Well at least Trump is honest. It’s SO different.” OR “Hey, at least he’s speaking the truth.”

I think the most reasonable response is to submit the comment to Jezebel as a news tip and see how things play out.

Can’t believe she didn’t go for the :eyes: emoji!

These guys always say the same crap. I fucking hate Corporate babble!

“95 percent, huh?”

Olbermann may be a pompous ass, but he is very rarely wrong

Olbermann vs ESPN.

That always amuses me no end. “Swearing is a terrible sin, so I will never do it! Instead, I will substitute a few symbols for letters in common swear words, because I believe the god I worship is so stupid he doesn’t understand what I’m really saying.”

I mean she literally made a quarter of a million dollars with her abstinence-only speeches. So yeah, dollar signs seem appropriate. She has a lot of dollars.

It’s sure a good thing she used all those dollar-signs, otherwise she would have said “Assholes”.

Gay Marriage? Miller Time.