Why is Ben Carson speaking such insane gibberish?
Why is Ben Carson speaking such insane gibberish?
I’m sure this will rankle the feathers of some social conservatives who see this action of inclusion by Target as somehow being an affront to their personal liberty (to be fuckwits).
And ‘Paranoid Delusional Comment of the Day’ Award goes to...
Ahh yes, a nice looking car that will be adored with one of the worst in-car infotainment systems imaginable.
You also have to remember that Huckabee pardoned violent convicted rapist, Wayne DuMond, because he thought that, “...Supervision under parole was important.”
34 lines, and 460+ stations, all of varying complexity (some stations are literally small cities unto themselves connecting multiple lines, at various depths spaghetti’d below the surface. Combine that with over 650 miles of revenue trackage, and the fact that the majority of the tracks and stations are at use…
Oh how I love doxies! I never knew happiness until I got my little one, Zeppelin.
My memories of Windows 95?
Well let’s be honest, a “purge” of sorts wouldn’t be all THAT bad. Just think of all the money our governments would save in having to house and execute criminals people don’t give a shit about anyway.
You forgot to add, “So take THAT, libtards!”
Ahh yes...Because when I want a measured, nuanced approach to race relations in America— I go to Breitbart.
If you’re implying that holding cops accountable is an excuse for them to act like petulant children, and not do their goddamn jobs, then the ultimate issue at hand is something far greater and more sordid than what is originally thought.
This is the woman in question. COME AT ME BRO.
Man, I can wait for that half-hour long special where Megyn Kelly throws a bunch of these at those two cultist, lying, deceitful dickweasels.
As the owner of that same exact shirt, I must commend Mr. Mozgov on his impeccable style and taste.
What a shitty way to get a close shave.
It’s less about HOW many they could build, versus how MUCH they could make from each unit sold. I would imagine that employing a non-unionized, blue collar American worker in a ‘right to work’ state would be tremendously cheaper than sourcing employees close to home (especially with UK & EU work and pay rules), even…
The topic of 'black on black' violence is a red herring. Yes, it is one issue, however, it distracts from the focal point of the argument at hand.