Laptops are great as nobody makes them as well as Alienware but the desktops are far too overpriced, it becomes just a label on the desktop, you could have probably paid much less from another vendor or even less putting it together yourself.
Laptops are great as nobody makes them as well as Alienware but the desktops are far too overpriced, it becomes just a label on the desktop, you could have probably paid much less from another vendor or even less putting it together yourself.
It's a translation in his own words. As in, what Astrix believed the developer was saying. His OWN opinion that the developer knew exactly what he was doing. So unless the guy with 150+ recommendations on the comment in question says otherwise, that's exactly what it is, otherwise, you calling him an idiot would've…
Yes but that was his opinion of what the developer said, yet he never stated that his own opinion was that he stole anything. He simply translated it to reflect the situation. Astrix's opinion was that the developer himself admitted to it without actually saying it, where did Astrix say "my opinion is that the dev…
Visual similarities, not gameplay style. My bad I gave a valid point about call of duty and battlefield differences, because it seems to have caused much butthurt.
I'm still looking for the part where he Astrix said that the creator stole anything. He read the words the creator used to make it seem that way, but he himself never said it. Two different things, and clearly reading comprehension is not your strong point, so I'll let that slide.
He himself quoted what he was getting attention for, he never actually said it.
point me in the direction of your call of duty controllable vehicles please.
You keep saying that he's "propagating lies".
I have to agree. If everyone is saying "gee, those pipes sure look like Mario pipes" or "wow, that fish looks a LOT like the fish in Super Mario World" I think that's far more than enough. Even people I know who weren't ever gaming fans still say it looks like a Mario level, it might not be copied in all it's aspects,…
Except that's just lacking tact and totally uncalled for in any case.
With all the free to play games out there I just can't see that happening. All the bad publicity Kojima is getting for this at the moment (even though some are OK with it) I think other developers might not want to venture down that path. Konami has been around for a long time and has loyal fans, something that newer…
It's not about skill it's about style. I don't think the millions of fans of Adventure Time agree with you.
I do get that angle, but in context the games made now are more complex than their older counterparts, most likely requiring a larger development crew thus more money. I felt like it was inevitable since games have slowly risen in pricing over the years and I just look at it in that light and less in the idea of them…
Insinuating that people WANT to pay more is just being facetious. If you want to play some MGS5 early, then you can pay more money instead of waiting and getting a cheaper bundle. I want to play MGS5, so I will use the money I've earned the way I want, to buy something I desire because I enjoy gaming and have faith in…
Y'all motherfuckers need history.
Well when you want more people to read your articles you can't exactly choose if they are a racist bigot or not.
Anyone bitching about the price is just complaining for the sake of it. Konami aren't attempting to market this to everyone, which is quite obvious if you read a little. MGS5: GZ is for players of the MGS series to play to get acquainted with the new open world dynamic of the FOX engine. It's short because it's…
Modern gamer, sure, true gamers: Nah.
I can't wait to get into someones car to have them hold me at gunpoint and handcuff me for my beans then leave me to starve in the middle of nowhere xD
Zombies aren't nearly finished yet, so they are keeping them low so that people aren't getting killed by buggy zombies and rage quitting I suppose. They are merely a small hamper on your survival, they only spawn on restart currently I believe so once someone comes by and clears them out, they wont be around, which is…