
Yep, probably shouldn't have admitted it

Are you from michigan because I swear to god 60% of cars in Mi are pontiacs or buicks.

I've got a lead foot.

Was this sarcasm? 42 mpg is not impressive for a mid-size when even compact cars struggle to get that much? Yet 150 hp out of a turbocharged engine is impressive. Wow.

but its a chevy.

Spindle Grille...I BANISH THEE

In all fairness, that ZF 8-speed it uses is pretty excellent. I think it's about the best conventional torque converter-based automatic ever made.

Until you have to service them.... drums are fine, but they're less effective than disc and they're more of a PITA than disc. That saves the company all of $20 in manufacturing costs.

The Mazda 2 in question is the prototype Mazda 2 EV with a built-in range extender, in the form of a 330cc, 26 HP rotary engine that runs at a constant 2000 RPM. The engine is mounted flat under the cargo area floor, along with a 2.6 gallon fuel tank.

Welcome to the great circle-jerk, it can also join the new Mustang and WRX.

I was in NYC, hailed a cab and got in. As soon as I sat down lights went off and a crazy looking guy turned around started driving. As we were heading to my destination he asked us all kinds of crazy questions and promised me money if I was right. Unfortunately my friends answered incorrectly and he kicked us all

I'm black.

As a child it was V8, RWD Holdens that adorned my walls. If I ever have a son, and I tell him that I was a Holden man, he'll wonder what there was to get excited about, as all he'll know of Holden is beige, badge-engineered commuter-fleet dreck.

Is it actually an older car though?

$57,000 and a salvage title?

Must be lost Gawker commenters. Only excuse.

yes, especially since the program was conceived/initiated during the Bush administration.

Yep, that wins. Hands down.