Yep, probably shouldn't have admitted it
Yep, probably shouldn't have admitted it
Are you from michigan because I swear to god 60% of cars in Mi are pontiacs or buicks.
I've got a lead foot.
Was this sarcasm? 42 mpg is not impressive for a mid-size when even compact cars struggle to get that much? Yet 150 hp out of a turbocharged engine is impressive. Wow.
but its a chevy.
Spindle Grille...I BANISH THEE
In all fairness, that ZF 8-speed it uses is pretty excellent. I think it's about the best conventional torque converter-based automatic ever made.
The old adage goes "buyer beware," but "seller beware" is every bit as accurate. Just ask Opponaut J. Drew Silvers,…
Until you have to service them.... drums are fine, but they're less effective than disc and they're more of a PITA than disc. That saves the company all of $20 in manufacturing costs.
The Mazda 2 in question is the prototype Mazda 2 EV with a built-in range extender, in the form of a 330cc, 26 HP rotary engine that runs at a constant 2000 RPM. The engine is mounted flat under the cargo area floor, along with a 2.6 gallon fuel tank.
Welcome to the great circle-jerk, it can also join the new Mustang and WRX.
I was in NYC, hailed a cab and got in. As soon as I sat down lights went off and a crazy looking guy turned around started driving. As we were heading to my destination he asked us all kinds of crazy questions and promised me money if I was right. Unfortunately my friends answered incorrectly and he kicked us all…
I'm black.
As a child it was V8, RWD Holdens that adorned my walls. If I ever have a son, and I tell him that I was a Holden man, he'll wonder what there was to get excited about, as all he'll know of Holden is beige, badge-engineered commuter-fleet dreck.
Is it actually an older car though?
$57,000 and a salvage title?
Must be lost Gawker commenters. Only excuse.
yes, especially since the program was conceived/initiated during the Bush administration.
Yep, that wins. Hands down.