

Before the MAGA cult starts whining about the First Amendment:

So you’re saying you’re:

Check #8

Honestly if you came back from the dead you should totally eat yourself to recollect the biomass. Waste not, want not!

And here I am wondering if this is a case of certain people reporting his channel and alleging violations more often against certain content creators.

The luddites were driven to the destruction of technology not because they were against progress, but because the wheels of capitalism were crushing them. Without them, child labor might still be legal.

These conservative ghouls love to fetishize the Revolutionary War, so why don’t we bring back tarring and feathering while we’re at it?

4 horses are required for a proper drawing and quartering.

A reminder for all our super-racist friends out there:

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the boy was sitting on his bike outside of a Starbucks with his friends in Park Ridge. He moved the bike of Vitellaro’s son out of his way, which the sergeant saw as attempted theft.

A 14 year old can give birth to her rapist’s baby, but she can’t check out the Diary of Anne Frank at her school library because that's inappropriate content.

Even better, Yertle is basically admitting that, without gerrymandering, the GOP is toast. When they can’t choose their voters, they struggle mightily.

Saying that candidate quality matters in statewide elections is also a tacit admission that absolutely incompetent nincompoops can run in and win House races, because Republicans have successfully gerrymandered so many states.

this dumb mf really put that shit in writing, huh. this asshole deserves to be criminally prosecuted.

He came chest to chest looking to fight? He’s goddamn lucky they didn’t shoot his ass dead in the street. Guns are for self defense, and that’s EXACTLY the situation where dumb mother fuckers might end up shot.

Kill him.

This happened to me once. I seized the offending hand and bent its little finger back (Mum taught me to do this, since the UK was in the throes of another pedo panic). Taunts of ‘lezzer’ pursued me for the rest of my school career, but no boy ever touched me again.

Were they greeted as educators?