
Why don’t you clarify that statement with the rest of the facts? It was a total of 9000 people surveyed in several countries. Many of the home owners are in rural areas where the price of a house is in the low thousands. Many more of them are bought by their family and not themselves, primarily because of the need to

And as we all know after the events of January 6th Capitalism never leads to fascism it only leads to rainbows and butterfly kisses.

Because they don’t have to. Seriously what consequences has Derschowitz ever faced or any other man in this mess?

guilty as hell herself but also the scapegoat for all the names in epstein’s blackbook.

When I watch football now, I literally see the three panel play art for Madden whenever a commentator mentions “zone defense” or “two deep safeties” or even something as complex as “pull blocking.” (Fun side note: start to google “pull block” and Pull Block Madden 21 is one of the first results suggested). I know what

The Madden curse eventually gets everyone.

A ‘realistic’ school shooting level would be from the point of view of a school resource officer cowering in the parking lot even though situation was theoretically the reason his job even exists. It would be a stealth mission where you hide from reporters so you can claim you didn’t abandon your post later.

I mean making anime refrences to joke about this isn’t in good humor.

Your “point” is like accusing a hostage of “participating” in a hostage situation.  There’s no other game in town, and no other way to survive in this society. The fact that the system of Capitalism makes us all complicit in its inherent inequality is not an argument in its favor. Quite the opposite, actually.

Didn’t the late, great Paul Mooney have an entire bit on this like 20 years ago? He’d list all the supposed “anti-white” “slurs” like “cracker”, “honky”, “white trash”, etc., and note that white people had never cared at all about being called any of them, and concluded that the appropriate derogatory term for whites

Not true. Words have historical contexts that shape their connotative meaning. “Cracker” has none of the (frankly despicable) historical context of systemic oppression that slurs like the n-word have. Words like the n-word were used to express white dominance over another race and culture. Words like “cracker” were

as with most stuff like this in conservative/Republican/GQP states, the inhumanity or cruelty is the point. How many state legislators must have laughed at these idiots with their book learning and communist ideas scrambling for a few bucks like hungry dogs scrambling for food. As this country further polarizes itself

Why were they huffing and puffing over something that was very likely a random act? Makes me wonder if they staged the fucking thing.

The arson was kind of a tip. Well adjusted people rarely set fire to something they don’t have insured.

Here’s a pretty famous quote from the philosopher Karl Popper that sums it all up:

I’m not gonna blame Outkast for perpetuating this awful myth, but you do not shake a Polaroid picture. You hold it face down. FACE DOWN. Shaking a photo taken on instant film actually degrades the quality and does not speed up the development time.

I’ve been yelling this for 20 years and refuse to stop. I think that’s

If we lived in a society that actually believed any of that nonsense, he would have been thrown into a pit for being broken and weak.