The Dead Texan

Just as great as his Farcry 3 review.

So who did 9/11?????

How'd you lose over 300lbs?

I was gonna mention the N-gage, too. I think I remember you had to hold it really stupidly to use it as a phone as well.

What the fuck is a paper?

It comes out in a couple of weeks here in the states in case that wasn't clear from my post.

Comes out in a couple weeks, dude.

Can't wait to get this for the Vita


Quit lying to yourself. The only reason the gameplay exists is to make it to the next cutscene.

I really liked Golden Abyss. It played more like a Tomb Raider game which was awesome. It was miles above anything found in Uncharted 3. That was such a bloated mess.

No kidding. I thought A Link Between Worlds was bad, but damn this is ugly as hell.

Good. Now the courageous writers of The Last of Us can give us the Nathan x Sully experience we all want.

Thank you, Japan.

haha, that's awesome.

Are you still working for Satan in this?

Skyrim is shit.

Hell of a speech from a hell of a player.

I'll never forget the time I saw Torche open for Boris. My hearing was fucked, and I pulled something in my neck a little too often.