The Dead Texan

Can't they both just go away?

XIII is fucking terrible.

'Compare your life to mine and then kill yourself' is a Bender quote, right?

That crowd reaction sums it up perfectly.

I can't wait for this. If it's anywhere near as good as Battleship, Silent Hill: Homecoming or Killer Instinct we're in for one hell of a ride!

You know what, you're right. I could've sworn I commented on the self-publishing indie story. My bad.

It's nice that Microsoft is having all these policy changes, but it feels like 24/7 damage control. There is little to nothing differentiating the PS4 and the Xbox now. That might sound great to a lot of Xbox fans that were taken aback by the whole DRM thing before, but they should be trying to create new features,

I try to be as clean as possible when I use public bathrooms, so I've taken to shitting right in the trash can.

I tell all my exes that I still want to be friends.


Now playing

These videos are probably my favorite part of the EVO experience. Last year's was just as great.

It needs a serious patching, for sure.

I play PSP games on my phone. It's cool.

Alabama's higher learning is obviously working.

I was the #1 ranked Hakan on the North American PSN rankings when SSFIV had first released for a good while. I'll always love that big, stupid character.

Is that House hugging Sherlock?

Marvel had 145k viewers.

Of course those SFxTk characters are the ones people would have wanted from that game, every other Street Fighter character in SFxTk is already in SFIV.

I was excited for a patch because the game definitely needed it, but Capcom really wanted a way to make money off of this and kill off SFxTk in one fell swoop. So four of the five characters are reused, and every new stage is from SFxTk.

Yup, Marvel peaked at 145k.