You know this woman was ok with child pornography right?
I am promoting your comment, hoping it makes it’s way up above all this nonsense.
Some of you people are crazy.
There are 2 parts and the second half will focus on the events of the second game.
They usually have a recaps in the game that tell you what happened in the previous games.
oops replied to the wrong person >.>
When they decided that putting Jason there was a good idea.
When they decided that putting Jason there was a good idea.
I’m surprised to how playable it was for such a short development time.
Bikini Cavegirl
Their games have gone dirt cheap throughout past year’s sales though.
Respect the bling bling
What kind of cruel monster are you?
Sure no problem. Like I said, I am almost the same as you, I gave in after the 4th game but the fanservice of the Gundam franchise did end up selling me and enjoying me on what I thought was a tired franchise(hell I am still surprised these games are so damn popular in Japan).
The reason you are seeing these types of positive reviews is mainly because no one really plays Dynasty Warriors type games outside Japan, so this is new to many people.
Ha the dread you get when a Techies is on the opposing team.
Is that you Monokuma?
Xenoblade Chronicles and Fire Emblem were sold out for weeks though.