I hope you aren’t dismissing Dorohedoro or Beast Stars because of CG, they are better than you think they’d be.
I hope you aren’t dismissing Dorohedoro or Beast Stars because of CG, they are better than you think they’d be.
Welcome to Kotaku, from the people who spoiled Batman: Arkham City’s ending on the front page.
They had some mecha anime crossovers like Eureka Seven and Code Geass which made sense, this one seems weird lol
If you were to hook up a racing wheel to your computer, would you be able to use it through Chrome browser and play Grid with it?
Isn’t this weird specially coming from Kotaku?
Very much looking forward to that.
Because people complain that they have nothing to play but Beat Saber on VR, so Oculus has been the one investing into bigger titles for their platform. Looks like they are doing the same thing with Ubisoft.
His comment on LotR reminds me of just why I fell in love with Shadow of Mordor so much. I mean video games in general are guilty of this too but seeing regular enemies have their own personality and traits and seeing them grow ranks was really good to see.
I just found out about the lack of cloud saves, after building a new computer and couldn’t continue my progress through Metro Exodus.
It’s not even new. Heroes been a thing since 2010, just hasn’t been outside the US.
When Mario came out on phones, there were lots of people who hated the idea of paying $10 for a mobile game. Being someone who doesn’t play games on their phones at all, I ignored it.
That’s pretty dumb to say.
It has both though, there is a mode called Party Mode which has way more variety than you will find in Ranked. You even get to do boss fights.
When the game launched, it had practice tutorials to evade same repeated moves like grabbing. After doing it for awhile, I just obliterated people who kept doing that to me.
Blossom Tales might be my last purchase of the year.
What are you hoping for in a Pro patch? 4k? higher performance?
Right? Most of the exclusives got really high ratings.
Skyrim is expected. It launched for that price last year on XB1/PS4 and is the same for PSVR.
Rent One, Get One