Lol yeah remember early gameplay videos of Crackdown 1?
Lol yeah remember early gameplay videos of Crackdown 1?
You can do that though. There is a Messages tab on the Wii U.
Muramasa:Rebirth and YS: Memories of Celcetia are keeping me busy.
F Zero GX sucked? lol what?
Lol right? When games get delayed people get pissed but you really shouldn't since it means the developers want to polish the game out as much as possible otherwise you get turds like above.
They do not otherwise I wouldn't be using them. Haven't had a problem using any of those things.
It actually is my most used console believed ir or not. I haven't used my 360 since I finished Halo 4 campaign or my PS3 since Jouncy, only used it this year for Last of Us and that was it.
Well that's why then, I haven't used the Options menu since when it launched.
Sluggish? But it loads games faster than my 2 other consoles and going back to the main menu after quitting a game is pretty damn fast too.
Everyone is saying their goodbyes, and I might as well.
Oh you =P
Ha well I was expecting to see something more like Sankarea, maybe Dusk Maidem of Amnesia is more like that?
Ha probably, it seems the saliva only gets worse with each episode.
Saw the first episode of Mysterious Girlfriend X, uhh yeah this gif explains my reaction to what Tsubaki did.
Got to admit the main reason why I watched the show in the first place was because of it's great opening song.
That's beautiful.
I think it's the same as the PS3, only some games can do it.
Probably the only thing I will get this week.
Yes, and it would be a good idea for other games I got too lol
Oh yeah that's true lol