Yes, Project 64.
Yes, Project 64.
Happy Birthday! =D
I love them! =)
The creator of the Phoenix Wright games is also the creator of Ghost Trick.
Love the animations in the game.
I was trying to get the Paper Mario 64 and Luigi's Mansion to work on an emulator just to get myself prepared for the 3DS titles coming soon, but just kept getting flickering, freezing, slow downs and black screen issues. Kept looking for fixes but it just created one more problem after the other.
You are in for a treat, game is fantastic and I found it a lot more enjoyable than FO3.
Finally finished my Bingo Java game project so I could start playing video games again! =D
@.@ I keep replaying this! Why?!
xD first thing I was going to say!
That actually makes sense.
I am a bit confused by this comment too.
Sakurai Samurai has already gotten some positive reviews, and the combat is supposed to be very similar to that of Punch Out. Will give it some thought if it's worth buying or not.
For $10? Worth it. So worth it.
Zoom out the mini-map on the top corner, and you should see little blue dots those are the med packs.
Yes seriously.
Love that game.
Yeah something is up with the servers, David Jaffe tweeted about this earlier.
I hated those things!
No I haven't changed the controls yet lol, might as well switch them and find something that fits my playstyle more.