
That explains a lot, consider how some attacks that should be Super Effective on certain type of Pokemon aren't. I was scratching my head about that lol.

See I used to be like that, but since I didn't have a DS(only a PSP which I got 2 years ago) I missed out on all the pokemon games.

After seeing the season finale of Boardwalk Empire(season 2), I feel like my main reason for watching the show has just vanished.

I had Scraggy for a lil while(got him to 27 then put him back in the deposit box) but if he is really that useful I will take him out again.

I pretty much been neglecting the other games I wanted to finish up on my PS3.

Valkyria Chronicles! Go get it!

Thanks for the advice =)

This one of my favorite changes this gen, the fact that you get nurses and doctors nearby so you don't have to go alllll the way back to a Pokemon Center.

I am in the Chargestone Cave right now, and am regretting not picking up some Super Repels x.x

I agree. I thought Batman was going to be my GoTY(with Skyward Sword following it) but nope, this game has way more charm than any title I played throughout the entire year.

Yeah this happens to me a lot.

Now playing

Just beat Ghost Trick last night, talk about the greatest ending to a video game ever. The reveal of Sissel's true identity made so much sense too.


I was getting something from the closet and saw that my parents got me the Flame Red 3DS that I wanted plus 3 games(Ghost Trick, Super Mario 3D Land and The World Ends With You).

Now playing

Saint Seiya is coming for the PS3, making it my #1 most anticipated game of 2012.

Tales of the Abyss 3DS, and Europe is getting the other last Operation Rainfall game Pandora's Tower while the US finally gets Xenoblade.

How many of you saw the season 6 finale of Dexter last night?

Sure thing.

Can I have the one super-secret-I'm-not-going-to-tell-you-what-but-you'll-definitely-like-it pack?