He gave us Sarah Palin, which helped birth the Tea Party, which helped get us into the current travesty that is our national politics. I hope he had the fortune to die peacefully, but I’m not shedding any tears.
He gave us Sarah Palin, which helped birth the Tea Party, which helped get us into the current travesty that is our national politics. I hope he had the fortune to die peacefully, but I’m not shedding any tears.
Only a handful of us saw Idocracy as a warning, while the majority saw it as a goal.
Also, during their playoff game last year, I switched back and forth between the game and The Lion King which was showing at the same time on Freeform. I do not have children.
Isn’t this literally playing on one of the TV channels in ‘Idiocracy’?
I don’t know what’s worse about the letter: The fact that this dude is obviously seeing the same one Rams fans in his travels and mistaking it for 12 different people, or that he thinks New York is “backwards” compared L.A.
Just to round out the failure of Kroenke Sports, he owns an Overwatch League team that decided to bench their tank in the playoffs (a player who would later be runner up in the MVP vote) before immediately being bounced from the playoffs.
I can actually smell the stale Miller Lite, Cheeze Whiz, and pepper spray through your comment.
As someone who often eats quantities of meat which leave me glistening like Christian Covington in the new Madden, I can appreciate all walks of BBQ. They are all delicious and worthy of praise in their own ways. That being said, if you line up BBQ from the Carolinas, KC, Memphis/Ten, and Texas, Texas BBQ clearly…
Also, if your ex already has a new guy two weeks after leaving you, she was probably fooling around with him long before she left and was looking for something like this to happen so she could justify moving out like she already wanted to. Sounds like this relationship was doomed long before the Chiefs lost.
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Fucking Whoa.
+1 31 year old to that list!
If I found out Ted Cruz really was the Zodiac killer I’d probably have more respect for him than I do now, honestly. Until then, I’ll keep donating to Beto.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Calgary.)
Too bad Ted’s kids aren’t 18 because that’ll shift a few votes to Beto.
That’s the look of a man who just remembered that the Texans exist... and he’s a member of the team.
Who the hell in Buffalo can afford that many jerseys of failures?
Judging from the stadium, not the Pegulas
Owning one J.P. Losman jersey is bad. Owning two J.P. Losman jerseys is sad and pathetic. Owning three J.P. Losman jerseys makes you J.P. Losman.
Buffalo Bills tailgating: the death-defying stunts of Mankind and the dignity of Scott Steiner.