
taking your own life is the easy way out? Bullshit.

Either way, I may have to steal that 'sarcasm meter repair crew'. It did make me chuckle.

Yeah. I got it. Sadly there was much truth to it in which that I was what I chose to comment to.

Maybe if we stopped telling men that we think they can't help themselves.

Heroin isn't natural, it was invented by Bayer in the 1800s

My S3 cost $649 CAD and phones are more expensive in Canada.

Lawyer got paid to do his job.

As long as you still fulfill the financial obligations to the kid then it is the right thing to do. No need to ruin your life AND the life of the mother by staying in a relationship you don't want.

It would also be helpful if there was a reminder to males, too. "If you think women should be allowed to study here, you're a feminist." and "check here if you're both male and believe females are capable of working here in equal roles too (congrats you're a feminist! Wait.. what... you still get paid more? Well

I have found that when socializing with people, one of the 'get to know you questions' that frequently comes up is "Where are you from/What's your background?" It kind of turns into a miny geography/history lesson. I live in Toronto so it is kind of a way to get to know the mosaic of the community as a whole and

This is so awesome! Basically pay $80 upfront for a monthly adventure that you may never have thought of doing (out of comfortzone) and would have cost you more if you did it outside of the service.

There are youtube videos that show you techniques for running. Personally I found them interesting and helpful.

Try googling "sexist" with any other word... Google asks if you meant "sexiest" and even if you don't check that, it includes all the "sexiest" results mixed in with your sexist results.

Still doesn't change that it is illegal to have ammonia in the beef like mentioned in the video. And really... what in this video and explanation isn't already common knowledge? There are regulations in place that keep scary stuff out.

Plus deliberately avoiding being a hipster is kind of a hipster thing to do, making you a hipster. Mind. Blown.


huh? Are you not familiar with the saying "Doth protest too much?"


One VERY important rule that is missing? Don't do your complaining when your kids (or any kids for that matter) are present/in the same house/could walk in on you any minute or be listening in the hall. My SIL does this and seeing the faces of her kids is heartbreaking .

The other side of that coin would be once you get your period, they might investigate you for murder.