I don't know why it's still a console.
Feels like they've taken a page from Apple and just locked it down with all kinds of crap and call it a awesome system. Even my 360 has turned disappointing as of recent years, and I used to love it.
I don't know why it's still a console.
Feels like they've taken a page from Apple and just locked it down with all kinds of crap and call it a awesome system. Even my 360 has turned disappointing as of recent years, and I used to love it.
Nintendo saved the games industry with quality over quantity. When the industry crashed, way too many games were being churned out for systems like the Atari way too quickly. Nintendo stepped into the wreckage with the NES, and a rule limiting the number of releases a company could put on the system each year. This…
great. now they have another IP to fuck up.
I'm interested in seeing how Dragon's Dogma has been improved. As good as the first game was, I'd be fairly happy to jump back in with the expansion if it has some nice improvements. Some of the things I've heard sound good but I'll just wait until it's all out in the open.
meh why not release dragon dogma for pc? I want it on pc lol
I bought an AMD card a couple of years ago that just never worked right, went right back to nvidia and will probably stick with nvidia for the foreseeable future
It's not a remake. Having a boss fight that's featured in every older handheld Zelda is hardly cause for calling it a "remake." A sequel should take place in the same world as the first one, but with new areas/enemies. That's exactly what this is.
The internet around 2 years ago:
Well, you can hate anything if you've already determined to do so beforehand.
Nevermind the announcements for Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Professor Layton, Bravely Default, Donkey Kong Country, and Earthbound. Let's just close our eyes and plug our ears and pretend the world fits into our preconceived assumptions.
If the new CEO is honest about wanting change, he needs to be cracking the whip right here and getting Versus done and out of the door.
inb4 hundreds of comments saying how much they hate Final Fantasy/Square Enix because that's hip at the moment.
I have to agree. Hollywood seems to (usually) ruin everything it touches. Even when it doesn't, I think it's pretty safe to say Hollywood never makes things better than they were originally. People like Miyazaki are better off avoiding it.
For me practically every recent Miyazaki film has been a bit too Disney for my own tastes. I'll always feel Mononoke will be their best film. Just because of the flying head scene.
Console: $300, plus $60 games and subscription fees for online play. Additional DLC varies between $1-50 (in-game buffs to "season passes").
You forgot to mention the new F-Zero and Starfox that they're developing for the 3DS and will come out next week.
Do you mean ironic, togue-in-cheek, harmless?
It's "knife", or "knives". I know, silly English spelling convention, not sure why it switches from "f" to "v" when you go plural, but it does. In singular form though, it's "knife".
Bye, see you back here tomorrow.