
I'd like to have an Ok battle system. Hear me, it musn't be anything very good, it just has to be ok.

I still can not believe how retarded that virtual knive thingy thing is. You have long range weapons and short range shotguns, why would you want to have a knive?

It's called a shadow. You get those when something is in front of the sun or another lightsource. The sun is that very bright thing when you look up in the sky.

In other words it was fast when the game was made for PC and because it had to run on ancient hardware (aka console) it got slow.

America will be irrelevant in 20years. It's already starting now but you americans are just too arrogant to acknowledge it.

June? That's very soon. I might be getting this.

I guess you're talking about the terrible ending? Am I right?

Quick! the last one will die, there's a hole in her suit around the neck!

Me too. I heard about it when it was too late D:

I hate it when game developers throw themselfs flowers by saying how their game is the best and all but I have to say.... He is right about the blowing my mind part.

I am too mature and grown up so I can't buy a Wii U because of the name. Mario and Pokemon are also games for kids. I play call of duty, that's the real thing grown up kids play.

This is my favourite tweet ever. I still have to smirk when I see it.

There is a problem with the Kotaku main page. The whole article is in the preview.

This is europe, not the USA.

My 3DS is my mobile console. Not in the sense of playing it on the train and bus but in the sense that when I travel and stay in a hotel I have a Console on me that plays great games!

Yes, there's loads of wrong in ME3 but the ending is so bad it makes the rest look ok.

Words can not describe how mass effect was my favourite video games series. Science-fiction was alwasy my thing, it started with Star Wars when I was a kid. Naturally a rpg set in a science-fiction world that is a homegrown ip would be my dream. The reason why it has to be a homegrown ip is because I discovered the

I haven't seen any professional match from any sport that was free. Only free BUT with ads.

Sony fanboys asked for it. All the hate and bashing the 3DS got when it came out until it oblirated the vita just asked for it. It's not a nice thing but not unexpected and undeserving.

Isn't there a huge amount of helium in space? I'm sure you'll find enough out there.