
Still on my playlist today, years later. It's perfect at the end of the game, it made me lean back and come down after a few intense days. It made it all sink in, it COMPLETED the experience.
And while "An End once and for all" in ME3 made me well up badly, I was surprised and delighted to listen to Faunts - "Das

I know this still IS an AC game.... but OH MY WORD do i want it.
Why does it have to be an AC game, why couldn't it just be "The mischievous Adventures of Captain Edward Kenway and the brave men of the Jackdaw".
I'd even preorder it!

Sam Axe was here."You know Cannonballers, bunch of b*tchy little girls!" *sips Mojito"

Stefan Bellof is and hopefully will be for a long time "King of the Ring".

The 956/962 was literally Porsche's poster child. Every boy in my elementary class had a poster of that car in Rothmans livery in his room.
All my friends got into motorsports because of this car and the men who drove it. Everything that came after that era was kinda boring in comparison.

I might be mistaken, but it kinda looks like part of the trackside (pitwall or in pit) IT, maybe a monitor rack?

I knew that thing looked familiar. Thanks for pointing that out!

I was with the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief - (Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk THW) for years. We are the guys that cut cars open, resuce people, recover bodies and clean up the mess afterwards.

The helicopter is there to speed up things. Resupply is the moment the ships are most vulnerable. My uncle, a submarine man (NATO, non-US) said they preferably engaged US carriers during resupply operations during maneuvers.

mrazkan You, unlike Brammo, don't understand bikers. You may even have a point in the car world. But motorcyclist want a transmission to work, we want the whole added dimension of coordination it requires to operate all that. Thats part of the appeal.

They don't deserve better.

All in One: Games, TV, NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS surveilance box.
Input one: Input One Human being into our database at a time with the always on kinect.

Would I go out and buy (or someone stop me, even PREORDER!!) the game cause of a trailer like this?

Would be interesting how this compares to Torchlight 2, which is a magnificent game, and if it warrants a purchase.

And again a game with 0-day DLC content. Of course you can have that for free if you pre-order without any testing, previews and reviews. We all now how well that worked out for SimCity, Aliens: Colonial Marines and.... well almost every pre-orerable title in the past 4 years.

The industry just won't stop shafting it's