
Eh, I like Google Music - it stores all my music and lets me stream it to my phone for free. I used to use AudioGalaxy, but that requires my computer be on, being able to shut off my computer and still have access to my music anywhere I have an internet connection is awesome.

The front end is wonky (it reminds me of a Mazda, but instead of being a happy car this one has angry eyes and a gaping mouth), but other than that I like it.

Yeah, I doubt either dog would let the hat stay on for very long but damn it its worth a shot.

Maybe they should just add hats to the dogs. If it works for TF2, maybe it'll work for dogs? Also, I think I need to put a hat on my dog.

They have said on multiple occasions it wont require Origin to run, but you do need an EA/Origin account. However, if you already had a Bioware account, guess what? Thats your Origin account.

Yeah, Solar/Wind etc are preferable to nuclear, but nuclear plants get a bad rap which is actually even more harmful since its prohibiting us (and by us I mean the United States) from building modern nuclear plants that are safer and produce less waste (as the Gen 3+/Gen 4 plants can use nuclear waste as fuel reducing

Well, if that big damn in China goes, there are going to be a lot of deaths. And coal plants are way worse than nuclear plants, and Gen 3+ are much safer than what we have in most of the United States.

Im going with yes, since the back seats fold down.

One day I'll have a WRX wagon. One day...

Wait, would it work like Tron?

TRIM doesn't solve the problem Im talking about. TRIM basically just prevents you from having to reformat your drive every so often (as TRIM basically just reformats the cells youre not using). Im talking about physical damage to the drive caused by using the drives, which I believe has to do with cell degradation.

Dont SSDs have reduced life spans? They only have so many writes per sector or whatever before that part is no longer usable, and its worse with smaller manufacturing processes (so, 32nm drives are faster than 45nm drives but they dont last as long).

Ultra really only requires a 2500k with an overclock and at least 1 GTX 580 so you could probably do it with $1200.

Assuming youre in the US, you can get a really bitchin computer for under $1000, assuming you dont need Windows/monitor/keyboard/mouse.


AMDs CPUs are pretty shitty right now, even the high end quad cores get out performed by the i3 2100. Depending on what i7 he got he probably made a good choice. Bulldozer is also apparently a disappointment, Id try to find the review of a release spec preview chip but Im lazy.

I started by buying:

Stealth and awesomeness I guess.

Well, in defense of the Navy, we use these things to blow the shit out of a lot of Middle Eastern countries as well.

Congrats on your marriage!