
I thought all cars already came with this system? I think in most places its called "knees".

BF3. Not a very hard decision :P

Wont BF3 be at whatever frames my computer will handle? So I could be getting 60+ with all the settings set to their lowest, or 1 with all the settings set to maximum?

Oh shit, he hasnt been on in almost a week, quick give him a call and make sure hes alright!

$30/2GB? Thats fucking insane.

Possible, but that seems incredibly inefficient to negotiate contracts on a per game basis. Unless youre a lawyer for Valve/any game company that wants to sell on Steam.

But the alleged problem is with Crytek not EA. Unless you mean to imply that EA is lying, and to that all I can say is well I never.

So why are Crysis and Far Cry still available on Steam if the issue is with Crytek's contracts with other digital distributors?

All that thread said was education in America is failing horribly.

Idiot? Or Genius!

I like how his answer was prefaced with probably. If you gave me all the money the government gave NASA we'd probably have a moon base too! And by we I totally mean me. Fuck yall, I got mine!

Well, there is an extra cost. Now EA needs to pay to maintain servers and bandwidth capable of supporting the number of sales theyre hoping to receive (which I assume is most of the users who would normally purchase their products through Steam). Valve may take a cut from every sale made on Steam, but theyve shown

For a company that loves money, EA is really making it hard for me to want to give them my money.

Headsink sans fan.

I really liked it, but I came in with almost 0 expectations. They could make a spin off of just the kids making movies and I totally would watch it.

Because Im sure IBM isnt going to try and profitize this and Intel isnt going to be willing to pay...

Theyre going to be so great theyre going even!

I wonder if theyll fine him for damaging city property after he ran into the back of the police car...

Wait, why couldnt they design their own?

Man, i8s are going to be amazing.