
Destruction of the Thin Blue Line would do wonders for the police image. Corrupt officers are removed, good officers remain and are not punished for notifying superiors of corrupt co-workers. Laws preventing policies that encourage police abuse, like no-knock warrants, would protect innocents with minor downsides for

I'll assume the firefighter comment was to me and not the rant below it (it would be really nice if Gawker Media fixed that...).

A better police force.

In some states its illegal to film cops because either the state legislature has made it illegal or because they argue its a violation of wire tapping laws. Either way its bullshit, but nothing is going to change until voters tell their elected representatives that they want shit to change.

Oh god, Jimmy, take it away! Take it away!

I didnt know what else to call the Twilek things :(

Dem tentacles. Ugh, now Ive made myself sick.

No release date. Basically just this video, a video they released on Friday and the people at E3 can play a high end raid and visit a new planet. They did say theyre still going to release in 2011 though, for whatever thats worth.

I got a GTX 570 Superclocked edition for $295 after rebate, so if you wait for a sale you could get a pretty decent deal like that (I basically paid $60+ under MSRP). Or you could use this link to compare video cards in your price range []

Im not going to lie, I dont hate it. But I also dont really mind the current dashboard. Either way, theyre both an improvement over the original. Jesus that thing was unsightly.

Why Elise when you can Exige?

Yeah, my fear is that Origin is going to be necessary for EA games like Steam is necessary for Steamworks games. I will not be pleased if thats the case.

Well, that can all be done without a 20% sales tax. Besides, the United States doesnt have a national sales tax. Sales taxes are collected by the states and fund state initiatives (like in some states universal healthcare, very low interest/free money for college, etc), but most states are suffering budget crunches

Sales tax has never been a factor in deciding whether I should buy something online. The 8.75% Id save via Amazon is often not worth the waiting period, which admittedly thanks to Amazon Prime for Students is much lower than it used to be.

In 2 to 3 years ATT will be where Verizon is now? Or ATT will be where Verizon is going to be in 2-3 years? One is terrible for ATT and the other probably isnt going to happen.

Why cant we have nice things!?

Psh, I got BC2 for $6.75 and the Vietnam addon for $5.

Bioware has already confirmed that Star Wars The Old Republic is going to be an Origin exclusive, so Im willing to bet that most of EA's major titles are going to be Origin only. You can still buy hard copies, but if you want to buy a digital copy its going to be on Origin. Its really fucking stupid.

Im all for competition, but Im not okay with at least some EA titles being digitally distributed Origin only (see The Old Republic). you need coffee for your bunghole?