How does this handle achievements/trophies?
How does this handle achievements/trophies?
@boltblitz: Yeah, but the service is new so it should get better as time goes on. I dont think Steam started with a very large catalog, and I dont think Netflix or Gamefly did either, but look at them now.
Ugh, I really wanted this to be a sporty coupe thing.
Just gave OnLive a try on my MBP over WiFi and it worked surprisingly well. I played Dirt 2, and the graphics werent as good as they would have been if I was playing on the xbox, they werent bad. And even though I was on WiFi (which OnLive warned me would have decreased performance) the game was pretty stutter free.…
Does this mean we're closer to force powers?
@MetalBeerSolid: Yes, please look like Dirt 2 but play like Dirt 1.
So its a monthly fee plus the cost of buying games? On top of the cost of buying the OnLive hardware?
@Goopplesoft: How did you get this?
So its great for getting around town and doing day to day errands, all while looking like a normal car? Cool.
Finally, a Mazda that isnt smiling at me.
I bet theyre pouring oil down a dudes throat because he sold their SR20s, which as we all know, are worth a premium right before Race Wars.
@karlen891: Hahaha, yeah, isnt 29 Palms basically a military base and a truck stop?
Was the Mars rover deciding if it wanted to change direction every 3 feet?
Im not sure shes wearing proper safety gear.
@karlen891: TDIs aside, those vehicles dont fill up at normal gas stations.
@karlen891: In her defense for a really long time diesel cars didnt meet California's emissions requirements. Why sell diesel when nobody's car takes them?
@ryanc: Eh, I have one. Youll want to upgrade.
Can I go with flying car? Im going with flying car.
@rlong: Well, the Corvettes price range is $48,000-111,000. Thats a lot of money for someone making $60-70k a year to drop on a car.
He had to move 15 to 20 guns before he found the gun he wanted? Jesus. Fucking. Christ.