Im going to play the shit out of this game.
Im going to play the shit out of this game.
@turbo steve: You can kinda lend it to friends - you can let them sign into your account.
I see some spots where you guys forgot to put buildings.
Id put that on my wall.
@Wacko: Do want.
Im really happy they kept the duck-bill look.
But does it get the poop out?
@cadenlaguna: Hows the Volcano and do you regret springing for the expensive one?
While it may not be super, I really like the AMOLED screen in my Incredible. Unless Im outside, then it kinda sucks.
"Publishers don't give a shit, they don't care what happens to the customer. Which is the crucial point, because Steam do"
I thought looking at the photocopier light was a bad thing?
@aec007: What is that and where can I get one?
Fable The Lost Chapters is an xbox game, not a xbox 360 game, a xbox game. Why is it $50?
Just tip more, but not so much that youre not saving money.
Holy shit, YouTube has made it so I can click on the video and not have the video on YouTube. Finally.
@friskydingo: Hahaha, I'll watch like half of it before I start fast forwarding. Its cool, its just long and I want to get to the good stuff.
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: Except MPG isnt the only reason buy Priuses (Prii?), and besides diesels just got clean enough to pass California emissions.
@frankumi: They are small enough to use like shoes....
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: What if they buy it and an Exige?
Why dont they just pay the farmers more than $0.80 a day.