
He also said, "nergo", not "negro". Maybe we need a "united that guy spelling fund".

If team made it their goal to score 100, they might be able to do that if they did an onsides kick on every kick-off, and let the other team score immediately if the other team recovered.

Don't care. Already have an Aveo hatchback. Doesn't seem like much of a difference.

Do you draw a distinction between PED's for PERFORMANCE (Lance, Bonds), and PED's for HEALING (Ray Lewis, Adrian Peterson)?

If it's anything like the VWs, the mileage estimates are well underrated (check what real TDI's are getting at

Being out of Grey Poupon.

Great answer. I actually thought that they meant "twitter" and "facebook" (like through a touchscreen), even though I couldn't imagine how they got from "facebook" to "sackbut".

2 of your 19 shit list members were key components on last years Wizard's team, along with JaVale McGee and John Wall. Yet, they were still unwatchable. Great article. Not enough crap can be heaped upon Andray "this 19 foot jumper looks good" Blatche. They will hate him long before it's over in Brooklyn. They'll say

That was my first car. I bought a Blue 240 DL from my dad. I drove it from Maine to Oregon and back again. Probably around 1995, I hit a bump and lost the front grill. Another owner I knew told me, "email"

All I know is that the windshield should be the eyes.

If the watch isn't in your TOP TEN, it completely invalidates everything you say after that!!!!

Nice list, Leitch. You put some thought into it. The only thought that Grierson put into his was how to find the douchiest movies possible.

He put his new step stool together right around that basketball hoop he had in his garage. Who would DO THAT?

Agreed. I also like the TDI Beetle.

14. The alley shall precede the oop. The umpire shall be the sole judge of the order of the alley and the oop. Should the umpire determine that the oop preceded the alley, he shall inform the referee and the goal shall be disallowed.

I really liked the Deadspin story about Wade Boggs dancing at an Oklahoma City Thunder game.

Sports builds character.

Good breakdown. Also, the author ALMOST makes it sound like the trade was Harden for Nene/Okafor/Ariza. It wasn't. It was for Beal & Singleton, who made this team can build around ON THE CHEAP.

bygeorge, I think you've got it.

Pacquiao in Lewiston.