
I feel like this is the Blood Dragon of 4, and they don’t have any DLC plans for it. Take the engine, rapidly iterate on new assets and ideas and release the smaller, crazy brother. 3 (DLC), Blood Dragon, 4 (DLC), Primal, 5 (DLC), ??? - I think that’s the pattern.

Even if the creators are women it’s not realistic (super hero, outer space, aliens, yes I know, the whole medium isn’t realistic), one can barely sit up after having a C-Section, let along do a bunch of karate on evil Skrulls. Yes, I get that it’s comics, etc., I just think it’s a missed opportunity and kind of silly

Hah! Yeah, good point. For someone who is completely fine with willingling suspending their disbelief this is all strangely annoying to me. I think it’s because it’s a missed opportunity for some great character building and drama by forcing her to deal with the actual fallout of a c-section in order to figure out a

I realize it’s comics and all that, but it kinda annoys me that she is going totally gangbusters in a fight directly after having an emergency C-Section. She would effectively have no core muscles at this point and could barely move without horrifying pain/tearing her incisions open. Would have been a more interesting

I don’t hate the artwork. It’s nicely energetic and cartoony, so here’s hoping it fits the tone of the book.

Tracer has a short range teleport, that might be what’s confusing you at the beginning of the clip.

This game isn’t really going to have an end game in the sense that everyone thinks (a la Destiny). It’s a pretty straightforward co-op RPG, not an MMO-lite style game. It’ll be good, not great, and definitely a finite experience.

Looks like a throwback Battlefield 4 night with the crew tonight.

Buying something because it’s on sale doesn’t save you any money, and is never a good deal. Stay the course!

Oh man, Titanfall’s limited weapon selection was one of the best things about it. Each weapon was unique and had purpose. Criminally underplayed game.

Halo 5 story is junk, but that multiplayer is great and should land Halo 5 on the list on it’s own merits.

How much did RDJR give you for this one?

What? Have about 25 hours in, zero issues. No crashes, bugs, lock ups, has been great.

Didn’t they just do this a few years back with Bucky. They need to stop the whole Steve isn't Cap or is dead story that they keep looping over every few years.

Or because the creators intentionally sexualized it. See Tera for examples.

Tera! That’s what I was trying to remember. I played that game for a short bit, and the Elin drove me nuts. Most recently I tried FF14, and found their childlike race (don’t recall the name) to be annoying - and yes, I realize their analogous to something like Gnomes. Maybe I just hate kids?

I’ve seen most of the Ghibli stuff, Cowboy Bebop, Champloo, Berserk - couldn’t get into Full Metal Alchemist. I try new things that i read about here on Kotaku, or find randomly on Hulu (they have a ton of anime), but haven’t had anything stick yet. Berserk was the last thing I watched that I enjoyed (I remembered

Is it? Now I’m curious, have any examples? It’s mostly that I can’t get into the often sexualized aspects of them, or that I don’t have any interest in my avatar being something that is representational of a 12 year old. It’s one of the same reasons I struggle to get into anime - it seems as if the characters are

Hah! You know, I love me some Halo long time (probably a bit too much), but I really struggled playing through Halo 2 Anniversary. It didn’t really hold up all that well. Still love it though because memories.

I will never understand the adult-that-looks-like-a-deformed-(sometimes) sexy-child-creature-thing that so many foreign games too. It’s weird and creepy.