I wanted that game to be so much more awesome than it was. The idea of a cyborg Ken fighting bad guys in the future? Blew my young mind.
I wanted that game to be so much more awesome than it was. The idea of a cyborg Ken fighting bad guys in the future? Blew my young mind.
I'm with you man. MGS is one of the most annoying things to come out of video games in a long time. I have never understood why people go batshit crazy for these game with mediocre gameplay and completely stupid story lines. But hell, I'm sure I like plenty of stuff that other people think is stupid.
Compared to the $400 figure you mean? It's not that the color is off, it's that the expensive one is the IMC and this one is Militia. So it's supposed to be a dirty beige color.
This is some kind of weird GIF war. I love it. Please keep GIF fighting.
Phantom Crash was such a rad game. Wish they would bring it back. Also, every game mentioned in this thread is awesome.
There is only one answer to this question.
I remember picking up the first issue at a grocery store. Gave my mom sad eyes until she broke down and bought it for me, and from then on it became a tradition that I would keep Mom company while she was grocery shopping and she would buy me EGM every month. Best magazine ever. I used to have the 100 or so issues…
This is actually one of the main reasons I won't be buying this game. Militarized police makes me super uncomfortable and I can't shake that feeling any time I look at Hardline.
Yessssss. Somebody on my couch mentions that every time it happens. "Annnnnddd....Saturday Night Live."
The chanting shy guy miners are the greatest thing ever. It might be my favorite part of the game.
I'm never going to be happy with a Mario game again unless I can play as Grandpa Mario.
Man, Kotaku should really start doing exercise tips and guides to healthy eating. All these junk food article just really play into the stereotype.
This is true. Although...I sense sarcasm. You are insulting one game by comparing it to another game you don't like!
If by "waste of time" you mean "incredibly fun to play with your friends" then I agree. It's never been a "serious" fighter, but it's always been hilariously fun as a party game.
Man, I'm gonna get blasted for this but....that's an awesome samurai figure but a crappy Vader figure.
Word on the street is that the PS4 controllers are much improved, but I have yet to use one. Hopefully they really are as good as folks say they are!
And SMB. And Pikmin. And Smash. And Splatoon. Man, what a good system the Wii U is. I wish more people owned one.
That Sony arrogance kills me.
Oh man! I think you're screwed. Your likes lean toward PS, his likes leaned toward XB. Maybe just get a PC?