
"There isn't anything sexy about heels, it doesn't factor in male heterosexual attraction..."

Wait, you are saying don't go for this? That's crazy. Firstly, you have 6 days to pick your games up so you don't need to wait in some crazy line. Secondly, you only have to really want 2 games (at least want them enough to be planning on buying them), and be interested in one more which you get for free. So, if

You don't even need to want 3 games to make it a good deal. Just want two enough to buy them, and think a 3rd looks interesting enough. Cos it'll be free.

They will? Well, if we are going the route of anecdotal evidence I don't know anyone that will be buying a PS4. I don't even know anyone that has a PS3. Every single person that I game with has an Xbox 360 and will be buying an XB1. :)

The disc isn't going to matter. At least if it's anything like BF3 it won't. It'll will just launch Origin and then download the game through that. Which is very lame. I had to uninstall BF3 from my computer awhile ago and never put it back on because of that.

Ah. Well, that's a trap I'm willing to fall into. Gotta play mah games on something.

How is it a trap? Aren't all consoles a trap in that you buy something to allow you to buy more stuff?

The first paragraph of this review totally killed any curiosity I had for this game. That sounds awful and boring. Then comparing it to a SyFy original sealed the deal. Games are for playing, not watching and tapping a button to brush your teeth or whatever.

I picked this up on a whim last night, completely worth 9 bucks. This game is fantastic.

Man, if a game is longer than 12-15 hours the chances of me having time to beat are slim. It's one of the reasons I got into multiplayer gaming - there's nothing to beat, there's just playing. Most of my crew is in the same boat as well. Kids, wives, jobs, other hobbies all take time. The idea of beating a Mass

Choosing to buy a platform based on its exclusive is not an arbitrary decision. Its a decision based on knowing what kind of experiences you want and picking the platform that can fulfill that the best. And love of a game is pretty subjective so different people are going to pick differing platforms. We may not agree

I would disagree with your statement about friends. I am not saying that gaming maintains the friendship, I'm saying that gaming is one social activity that you can participate in with your friends. In that, it's a good reason. As good as grabbing a beer together, going biking, having a cookout - any activity you

Hmm, maybe I should rephrase what I said earlier, without the elements that are personal to me.

My point is Xbox Live (or any other online friends network for gaming) is not a make it or break it as in "I have to get Xbox Live or I'll jeopardise my friendships". It's not a relevant reason for going with this console or that, it's special pleading.

When did I ever say I was maintaining long distance friendships over Xbox Live? I play with friends that live near me, and see them in person on a regular basis. We play over XBL and at LAN parties at my house.

For sure. And I do lot's of things with my friends. But one of the things we do together is play multiplayer games. Given that we have limited financial and time budgets we have to make choices about where we do that, and we've all chosen the Xbox as some of us can only afford one box to play games on.

I have two reasons that I play on console.

Why does everyone hold up Tera as this great harbinger of free aim, action combat in an MMO? DCUO did it first, and much, much better.