Holy shit! I just realized I have 119,782 points. I just payed for my index headset this week and I guess it counted towards this lol.
Holy shit! I just realized I have 119,782 points. I just payed for my index headset this week and I guess it counted towards this lol.
On the contrary, I appreciate how Faux Bravo cut right to the bloody point. (flips down polarized filters)
Maybe you were being too... divisive? (sunglasses on)
The “SJW Propaganda” part made me chuckle, too. I hacked a dude apart with a machete while playing last night. What exactly is SJW about that?
Project Wingman is an Ace Combat homage in the works forever, glad to see it’s got a publisher.
I don’t know about that. This review feels distinctly Kotaku for me. They tend to focus much more on the experience of playing a game and explore the themes and ideas presented. There are plenty of other major outlets the will take the approach of a bullet list of features and ignore issues of tone and messaging.
This is what people don’t understand when we say billionaires are immoral. In the year they cut 800 jobs his payout alone could have secured all most of those jobs for a year, in a year “of record profits”. Him choosing to add millions more to his pile instead of keeping employees, is him choosing to work against the…
Dude could literally take a 1% pay cut and employ dozens, if not hundreds of people.
That quote is very, very misleading. He said it in response to the organizer saying they wouldn’t be able to let all the elected officials speak at the gathering. To which this guy was indicating he wanted to speak. That’s when he said if he wasn’t in a primary he wouldn’t care [about speaking at the meeting when…
I am happy that, despite the great purge of excellent writers that Kotaku recently endured, it remains a diverse, engaged, and thoughtful collection of voices.
I’m well aware of that, but Google can’t arrest you and throw you into prison.
Kassandra is such a more the interesting character, just on a thematic level, and anyone who decides to play Alexios is immediately dead to me.
I wish more people played Kassandra, Melissalthi Mahut did such an amazing job playing the part.
I suspect there were 1 or 2 fewer dollar signs. They gave him “piss off” money, not “fuck you” money.
Well that solidified your position!
I am reminded of Kevin Smith’s line about late-period, weirdly religious Prince:
or as he was known back then: Head
Really excellent tip for the pull-ups mini-game, which is magnitudes more difficult than any single enemy or boss FFVIIR throws at you.