The Censor

I’ll bet he jacked up his muscles 7,000%!

1) You are a human being

I don’t blame ‘em. It was a shit year for TV, anyway.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Now playing

I’m going to use this place to talk about the new diet coke ad.

Damn all of you. ( ಠ_ಠ)

Who are you charging? The player is unknown!

WORD JAIL. BOTH OF YOU! #Lexiconvicts ||Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|Φ||

I don’t think that’s Grounds for any excuse. The defendant is still Battling with disbelief regarding the cheater.

he pleads not ghillie.

Viewers are advised that what they are viewing is a spectacle and is not real and that the train will not, in fact, come out of the movie screen and run over them.

Nah. He’s just playing Torbjorn.

“Somehow, a new player-created holiday became a story about conflict, betrayal and the disappearance of an entire civilization.”

So, they invented Thanksgiving?

That’s a ludicrous false equivalency, and an even more ludicrous attempt at rationalization.

People who read Kotaku win

I hate to resort to capitals, but a quick note to Bannon, McConnell, Trump and the rest:


no in the bad timeline pikachu is stripped of his detective license and deported

this reminds me of that part in The Handmaid’s Tale where Serena Joy is forced to throw out the books SHE WROTE on conservative values because the culture that SHE CREATED does not allow women to read. these women are literally creating their own oppressors.

Absolutely. We’re no longer the svelte, young civilization we presented on that gold disc.