The Censor

Oof, those typos

“I stopped playing the poison guy just because everyone is a lot more accurate against him

That and the plot of the second game basically said that Christianity is a sham.

For BlackKklansman, there are a number of problems with it, but the last 30 minutes or so is incredibly compelling and important. The Birth of a Nation scene is one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen on film and should be seen by many. 

Well, I can’t speak to AC4 very well (other than being fairly certain that your callsignis Mobius). However, I can definitely say that what you describe does fit most things in AC5. Your squad is labeled as treasonous, and eventually you rise again as the Demons of Razgriz, your planes sheathed in black. 

The story itself may be okay. But it’s hard to tell because it is so poorly presented. It moves between narratives that feel completely disconnected. And the actual information is bizarre in its delivery.

Trump insisted that criticism of his immigration policy was a coordinated effort across multiple TV stations and media outlets

Oh my god, I didn’t know Kirk left! Everything I love leaves.

I just read through the previous years, and really, with the exception of last year’s, they’re all pretty grim. Was it always like this? 1998-2000 just seemed like wonder years. But, I guess I was young and dumb and only bought three games a year. 

There are some weird things for controller setup for Smash. I had some friends over the other night to play. There were six of us in total. However, despite the 8-player max, only five of us could play at a time. We had 5 Joy con sets and a pro controller when we pooled our resources. The problem was, after we got 3

Signal, just from a basic messaging standpoint, just doesn’t work that well. Mine regularly struggles to send messages, and you can no longer export conversations, only back them up for use with Signal. It’s frustrating. Anyone have other suggestions?

[. . .]Too many illegals of the wealthy are taking advantage of the United States taxpayers with no means of ever contributing to our society.

The latest entry in the tender, boldly progressive three-way love story between a grappling hook, a parachute, and explosions contains an incredibly overt reference to a game that can only engender the exact opposite emotion: hate.

I think it’s pretty important to understand the distinction between Time-to-Kill and Time-To-Death here. For TTK, there are weapons that are straight-up unbalanced, so some are killing faster than they should be (namely, the KE-7 and M1906). For TTD, there appears to be animation, sound, and/or network issues that

There are so many idioms I’ve encountered over the years in my speech—inherited from my friends and family—that I’ve ended up dropping cold. Anytime we use idioms or cliches, we don’t process the information as we normally would; those stock phrases destroy visualization and fill gaps where original thought should

Maybe not quite what you’re looking for, but Fabriano notebooks have become my go-to. I use them for all of my handwriting needs and have started buying them as gifts. The paper is very nice, and the dot grid is perfect. However, the pages are removable and tend to fall out whether you want them to or not. I use a

“A screaming comes across the sky”

I played the first game. I could not finish it. I love the art style, the story, and the character interactions. However, I cannot get into the battle system. It feels soulless and often unfair. Where does that put me for the rest of the series? Do I trudge on?

I teach it as “Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review.”