Her default costume has a mask that she pulls down upon winning. Her alternate costumes that dont have masks dont change the win pose. At least not yet.
Her default costume has a mask that she pulls down upon winning. Her alternate costumes that dont have masks dont change the win pose. At least not yet.
Its because that alt-costume doesnt feature her ninja mask. Normally she wears a face mask, and then pulls it down in the victory animation. It looks super weird in the non-mask costumes.
Yeah...alternate costumes that break character animations...It’s kinda funny, but still an oversight.
I think she is suppose to be pulling down her mask that isn’t there.
Creeping me right out, that’s what she’s doing. Oh, besides that? That’s... fuck, that’s a good question.
So you aren’t gonna address ay of my points? Ok. Saves me the trouble of having to pay attention to you. I’ll enjoy the schedenfreude of watching trump lose and knowing the hopes of people like you are dying at the same time.
So you’ll get trump’s cronyism, corruption, double-speak, with a healthy dose of fascism, racism and mindblowing incompetence?
So basically, you accept that he’s a lose cannon, but put trust in an establishment that you want pushing out, to kinda keep him in check...?
Overwatch is a shameless Battleborn ripoff in it’s own right
I became friendly with some of the developers of that game, and damn, it really was a labor of love. Such an amazing and I would argue the most under appreciated game from the LucasArts canon. And the damn thing ends at hour 60 with a cliffhanger ending.
She starts with the original announcement, pointing out the same body type of literally all of the females, then goes on to talk about Mei and Zarya as positive characters that were added to the roster by launch, and then about Ana as a further, excellent addition, and an example of a contemporary game studio making…
Why is it a faulty example? She was talking about how the game was revealed (aka advertised initially) and indeed the reveal showed various male characters and slim sexy female characters. She talks about Overwatch more to say that it is good that they ended up with more variety in their female characters (they are…
is Caerus’ comment a rip off of ShadowofTime01's on purpose or......?
maybe you should be a better dad
3rd-wave feminism claims to be a lot of things, but it does have several core tenets, including intersectionalism.
Anybody who tries to claim that 3rd-wave feminists are not a hate-group is simply blind to all of the hate-crimes feminists commit on a regular basis.
Feminists don’t need to shoot up men, they’ve already won.
I like how you put “an angry mob of white men is storming the city, beat them down” like it’s equivalent to the feminist protest described in the screen shots above.
Here’s an article that mentions a few.
so edgy, you must be a reaper main