
The Sims clearly has nothing to do with the concept of “game” Gary Gygax had. I mean, it’s only a sandbox revolving around loose stat-focused mechanics meant to enable a player-driven narrative. Nothing like what Gygax did at all.

You should meet my wife.

You had to go and ruin Vin Scully for me.

I have a really, really hard time taking any natural trait someone was born with and labeling it “unfair.”

I like to compress them down into diamonds, which I then wear.

Yeah, OK dude. Post up a picture of your fat neckbearded ass and lets see how you compare.

Can totally imagine this guy telling girls how hot they could be if they just worked out a little more to suit his taste.

Found the frustrated nerd!

Mr. President stop talking like Trump.

The problem with boob plate isn’t the shape (well maybe partly), it’s that it’s just as impractical/dangerous as the equally dumb chainmail bikini trope. Plate armor works not by absorbing blows but deflecting; the curved surface of a proper breastplate deflects blows from the center of the chest to the sides. Boob

That’s why it had to be a film. It can only happen in fictional worlds.

Yes!!!!!!!!! Finally a film where a CPA is cool!

Well. There isn’t a diamond of exposed cleavage in the middle of her armor for no tactical reason whatsoever, just uhhh, conforming to her anatomy.

Whining about fuck all.

Only if you have your thumb in your ass and you’re looking to be annoyed by dumb shit.

Nobody likes a condescending, holier-than-thou ‘my game is better than yours’ gamer. Nobody.

TB is shunned because he says absolutely terrible things. Why should anyone appreciate the views of a guy who makes excuses for a hate group while feigning neutrality? There’s nothing respectable about it.

Riiiiiight, because developers having to weigh in on smearing campaigns around the reviewers of their games is usually a sign of things dying down. Literally no one knew about this before this article! Silly Kotaku, always whipping up “controversies” out of thin air.

I just can’t wait for the upcoming outrage from sports fans when this happens. This is gonna be good!

Stay in school, please.