
But...but I took an extended lunch for this.... ;_;

So just going off the headline, I wasn’t aware that people were concerned with video games causing sexism, as much as how much sexism is in video games.

Yes. Ashley Judd can kill him now.

That doesn’t look right at all. Pretty sure mine is more accurate. (Also, this is the first time we’ve posted about this. We don’t really do teasers.)

When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!

Because they’re more rare than unicorns in video games?

Is his Fatality picking up a game and injecting politics into it? Because nothing is more barbaric and fatal to a Hardcore Gamer than that.

/Scrolls through all of the portraits for the 20th time: “NONE of these guys look like my guy!!!”

Why would feminists be outraged at a woman for not being ashamed of her sexuality and refusing to let society and whiny internet commentators deem what is and isn’t appropriate of the way she dresses?


Did you steal my account? Either way, thank you for giving me the day off.

Nope. The shaming of any of the participants of that disgusting episode should continue at least until ThunderF00t apologises to the rest of humanity like he should.

The going rate is 10 Riot Points per blog post. It’s a pretty crummy deal when you think about it—“ultimate skins” costs a whopping 3250 RP at this point, so this per-post bribery rate means I’m gonna have to turn out 325 pieces of League-focused blogging content if I can ever even hope to afford that Omega Squad

That’s the beauty of HotS though. You probably were losing those games, but you guys made a key play, and bam, game over. There’s rarely a match in this game where the other team can’t come back.

You know, I thought there was something weird about her, and you're right, she's just a goddamned floating head!

One scientist looks at the other. “What happens when the pink bar overtakes the blue bar?”

This is the first Regressing article that I was able to understand all the way through. It's an Opening Day miracle!

Look let’s not be hasty. I know there’s going to be several people complain about “Censorship” or “disrespecting the original vision of the artist” or something like that. But you need to understand that’s not the case here. We Consumers voiced our opinions, as is our Free Speech right to do, and the company (like any

wen u get ur brain, ull get it