
Yeah, but I'd argue that this article is giving great info on how to not come off as creepy. Its a great nudge saying, learn to read body language and social cues. And if at all in doubt, ask. The absolute worst that will happen is you'll get told she isn't interested.

They arent being attacked, they are being told that their methods are bad. I understand your first few times trying to meet people being horrible failures and making these mistakes. But the problem is that an embarrassingly large number of men DO NOT learn anything, and they don't change their behavior. If you keep

Ya but this guy didn't respect her boundaries at all. That is a standard that should be expected out of ALL people. And the ridicule isn't honestly that bad at all, this guy got anonymously used as an example of how to make a woman uncomfortable. That's it.

They also love the term "betas"

Then those guys need to learn how to behave properly in public.

Honestly, those guys need to get better at socializing.

TLDR version of the daily mail article

double post, DAMMIT KINJA!!

Got it covered.

Sadly, It's the part where she is a woman.......

Lol it's kinda funny, because this version was made for the sole purpose of going after your wallet in the worst way possible.

Yeah the doubled cost isn't a huge deal, but it does mean more boring grinding or you have to play with less equipped characters and have a higher chance of dying. Thus a higher chance of paying money.

Yeah they did, they increased the enemy hp/difficulty, doubled the cost of items and equipment, and removed save points (especially before bosses).

It's also available for free as a ROM. Now you don't have to feel as bad about pirating it.

You forgot to mention that they increased the enemies hp/difficulty compared to the normal difficulty from the original game, doubled the costs of in game items and equipment, and flat out removed save points before boss fights!! All so you will be more likely to be frustrated into paying money.

Hopefully they won't do what Namco did to the ios version of Tales of Phantasia. They increased the difficulty/health of enemies, doubled the cost of items and equipment, and reduced the number of save points (especially before the harder bosses). All so you will be "encouraged" to pay real money for boosts and

Sounds like a bunch of guys say she was feminist and threw a hissy fit, then got pissed when they were treated like the children they are. In my opinion if you act like a child, you don't have a right to complain when you get treated like one.

Man that video put me firmly on the side of Dina and against the crybabies on the backer forums. Glad you posted it.