
Whatever it is you end up choosing (whether AC1 or AC2), do NOT start with AC:B... too much of the storyline, the setting exposition, character development, and the flavor of the time period is established in AC2. AC:B builds on that framework and extends it, so if you start with that one then... well, at best you'll

I think you need to stop directly visualizing things that are said on the internet. Perhaps that is the source of your disgust. Don't worry, my friend, most people here did not actually ejaculate or urinate upon hearing this news. Just like most people do not actually laugh out loud when they type "LOL".

Is there actually something WRONG with releasing a game geared towards a tournament crowd? ... Or any crowd at all? Would you have the same amount of ire towards the really hardcore strategy games out there (you know the ones — generally weak graphics, complex rulesets, abstract visuals, almost no "action" or frills

I don't even understand this comment... "FPS bandwagon"? With the exception of Alien Swarm and Dota 2, every game they make is an FPS. Furthermore, "they" (I assume you mean Valve as a whole) have many times revolutionized the FPS genre, both in their single player series and in the multiplayer scene, as well as being

Now playing

While we're talking about the game, you should watch this. It's absolutely hilarious.

Although I enjoyed DKCR (the nostalia for the DKC games helped) I ABSOLUTELY HATED the shaking. HATED HATED HATED.

I've thought of a full 3D version before too... but boy, I'm so used to the sprites that it's hard for me to imagine it any other way. But I'm sure that's the same type of comment that everyone makes when a game gets remade for newer tech.

I lost count of how many times I beat it too. I think I beat it maybe 6 or 7 times... I can just keep coming back to it and it's still as great as ever.

Now playing

[FF6 spoilers in the video, if you couldn't tell]

I absolutely can't get enough of Terra's Theme in any form. My favorite video game theme EVER! (And unquestionably FF6 has my favorite game soundtrack ever)

Thank you!

It's been a while since I played... and I never really used Cyan... but I'm thinking maybe it's not so bad if you have him queued up after a couple castings of Ultima and let him charge up while other attacks are going on. I used to always have someone with the Offering and Genji Glove equipped and as they're

YES! My first TAY pic submission got picked! I'm thrilled that my time wasted at work went towards something useful.

Looking at the #TAYpics forum, wasn't this TAY pic submitted by kaploy9? (Not kyosen)

For public servers, Payload really is the best because the "goal" is clear and obvious... and on public servers this really helps to get the team focused on the objective. If you like Payload, the next logical step would be to go to attack/defend maps (which are, unfortunately, labelled with the same prefix as "5 CP"

This really depends on what sales/deals you can get, but in general an HD6950 will beat the 560 in terms of price-per-performance. It's not by a longshot, but still, ATIs (for now) are generally better bang for your buck in the class of cards you're probably looking at. But again, this really depends on what kinds of

Regarding your Witcher 2 problems, a couple things (sorry if any are obvious, as I don't know what you know):

Hooter you to say how one man should talk to another?

Just an FYI on TF2: It is probably one of the most newb-friendly games out there in terms of equipment and "perks". First of all, there are no perks, no levels, no experience, or any of that kind of stuff. And all of the weapons are explicitly designed to be sidegrades. In fact, for just about every class, the most

Regarding the balance of the game, I think the game is still very well balanced — provided you use the best loadouts or the loadouts that best match your skills or abilities.