
Two years on, revisiting this comment I’ll say this—I’m wrong.

Bellingcat called this a year ago, but it’s nice that the Dutch Investigation finally got around to claiming this.

Chevy should offer to replace their intercoolers with larger performance ones for free for the entire fleet.

FYI, Taylor Lewan walked off the field because he was ordered to by NFL staff to undergo concussion protocol.


Can I just say I love the fact that you and your mom are up early watching F1, and that your mom knows how ridiculous the imbalance is enough to assume which two drivers are likely to finish first.

Fuck you, Garth Stein, for writing such an amazing, unforgettable, beautiful book. I hate you for making me ugly-cry while reading the book in one sitting late one new year’s eve. It’s my favorite book ever.

>Says CJ-2A is nearly rust free

Oh, you have no idea who Jimmy Carr is, do you?

If Gawker were still here, the nudes would have been posted on the front page.

Senior week is getting bad.

Actually, yeah. Call them the Nighthawks, after the F-117 which flew out of Nellis.

Best Senior Week post yet.

Eddie Jordan playing spoons.

This looks positively terrifying to drive.

I’ve never waxed a car.

Follow the law. Biker did nothing wrong.

But this one is bigger.

This is basically the same part of the track where Francois Cevert had his accident, right?

Stop writing your paragraph and a half posts for Gawker and do this full time. I love it.