TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

I've got a better idea: El Werto stays here and Denton cashes out.

On a more serious note...


That bad, eh?

Lehman will get a chance to bond with like-minded muscle-freaks.

Exactly. Motherfucker deserves to be dead.

I do not fucking care if you agree with the death penalty or not, these are the type of people it was invented for.

I know one Unicorn that isn't impressed.

2+2s are cheaper to insure. I guess insurance companies like buying in bulk.

Possibly even a 40 and a blunt.

Methinks we are in the same boat. *heartclick*

Hammer, meet nail-head. I really liked Scion when they came crashing onto our shores all those years ago. Then every malcontent fucktard with a sideways hat started buying them. Or senior citizens.

Soooo, the last thing I was expecting.

Tell me your secrets wizard!

Please start a Tumblr account and never stop writing total insanity.

Tell me about it....

"Designers from decades ago who spent years developing good sound deadening must hate this." Yeah, fuck them.

Thankfully I'm just a redneck. 8D

Jewel of the Nile.