TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Loved the video, even liked the DnB soundtrack but I would've preferred to hear the CTS-V soundtrack more.

Oh my fuck....

Worst offender here: truck nutz. Every fucktard Bro in the city of Corona, CA has 'em hanging on their Bro wagon. I think it should be legal for everyone to beat their sorry asses for owning those.

My thoughts exactly. I see nothing wrong with the flexible exhaust pipe as a temp fix on a good car/long-term on a POS.

Congratulations owner of that critter. You just destroyed any off-highway capability. What a mook.

Holy fuck.

I don't mind "that guy" as long as they're cool about it, which you were.

I used to do just that in my Trans Am. The weird part was sitting still burning down the cords with the steering wheel pointed straight. Barely nudge the wheel to the left and the ass end begins swinging right and vice-versa. Posi-traction FTW!

Now playing

The Bandag Bullet requires 16-cylinders, 4 turbos and 2 supers to bang out 2,000HP. 3,000 seems like a stretch. But I guess we'll see.

Holy... that's amazing.... he....

Oh I don't know... the Jeep hit the damn thing? Yes, the description says "vaulted over the Mini" but this information was all preliminary.

I'm wondering if perhaps the Mini struck the Maserati first.

Now playing

I have a message for the driver of the Jeep.

Now think how bad it is for us SoCal gear-heads. Perfect weather, fantastic driving roads, fuck-head politicians ruining all the fun....

Well played.

Zombies? In California? Surely you jest.

Oh Ray, folks will do what they want with their cars.

$400 bucks for 1981 Plymouth Horizon TC3 Miser. Red on red. 285,000 miles. No A/C. Called it "The Radio Flyer."

And that's how you acquire a Heartclick.