TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Lyra here is lucky. Being a Unicorn, she can just magic items around, without ever putting her hooves in danger. But she is still concerned for our safety.

Heartclick returned.

Yes! I actually made that gif myself. That scene just screamed "gif!" to me.

A 'Vette shooting brake? Seems legit.

Now who had balls enough to walk out of Cadillac's office with that?

Smart-ass. I mean that as a compliment.

What the blueberry fuck am I looking at? Oh my eyes.

"Imma jus' sum up what wer all thinkin': 'not sure if want.'"

"So like I was sayin-...... Imma fuck you up."

Oh come on Dutchie, it isn't that bad.

Oh sweet Lord, I remember these arguments. I knew a couple of Jeep guys who were this ][ freaking close to setting Jeep's HQ on fire.

I just called Callaway and said I want my own Sledgehammer. They laughed at me, LAUGHED!

Oh MS Paint, what I couldn't do without you!

Because RegularCar.

"Well chaps, the Amuricans have done it: they've combined a Nissan GT-R with a Corvette. I'd like to know what they smoke at the office. It can't be good for them."

I think driving an unsafe car makes you a better driver. Believe me, you have to fucking *work* at staying alive driving a Plymouth Horizon.

Those of us with Gold Stars can approve of new users. You gain the star from making well informed or very hilarious comments. Its just a matter of impressing an editor. (I think your comment counts as "well informed" by the way.)

Is it a yellow submarine?

"Heineken?! Fuck that shit! PABST BLUE RIBBON!"