TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

As far as I'm concerned, its neither "jerry" or "jury;" its all about the "kludge"!

My older brother did everything he could to destroy whatever car he had at the moment. I think his greatest achievement was the grenading of the rear-end of his '76 Plymouth Volare.

I concur. Any car fix that reads like the instructions for improvised explosives is worthy of high praise.

Crew cab, dually, twin 16gal tanks. Averaged a whole whoppin' 8mpg. I was fortunate to buy it from the original owner for $500 bucks. The only luxuries it had was A/C and cruise control.

Or, you know, ignore the posts you don't like.

"Humor;" you don't get it.

Fantastic reply. She was already bent out of shape, might as well twist her into a knot.

What really boils my blood, is the fact that he asks her to not cuss in front of his kids and she basically tells him to eat shit. Lady, you aren't helping your argument, if you even had one in the first place.

35. Just one more fantastic idea that Gawker IT cooked up in their meth lab.

Surrreeeee he was drunk.

For a stupid Disney show and the simple fact I'm no fan of Disney, that was actually pretty good.

Stupid hipsters.

I'll have what this guy is having.

As long as my retarded cousin doesn't call me every 47 seconds to go shoot a round of pool, I can't wait for this.

"Oh good. My slow slap processor made it into this thing. At least we have that."

Dammit Spiegel, keep your eyes on the freakin' road.

That was fantastic.


Not in Florida, eh? I'm surprised to say the least.

And why isn't Fluttershy a tree?