TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

I fully expect this to be discussed on the next Weird Things podcast.

I am promoting this comment due to good taste.

Its called "sarcasm".

Do I sound like a hater?

Ever heard of "right-of-way"? Whoever reaches the intersection first, goes first. If both vehicles arrive at the same time, the vehicle to the right goes first.

I can't wait for some poor bastard smoking a pipe to not realize the car is slamming on its brakes and have his pipe jammed down his throat as his head slams into the dashboard.

Awesome show.

I have a question. When can we expect an update on the two meth-addicted transvestite sex workers?

Or the "Atomic Rainboom" as I like to call it.

I had debated signing up. Then I remembered what I could potentially win. No thanks.

Good to know all that important bailout money isn't going to waste.

Welcome to Hellopnik. Enjoy your stay!

I see what you did there....

You're right, I'm sorry.

As long as you know your place, bitch.

Ah, good, Spiegel covered Pokemon already. Next question:

Nibbles borked your image.

Comment of the Fuckin' Day!

Hey Ray! Are you going to make new Justin work for his Star?