TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?
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Wait, we lose a Justin and gain a Justin, all on the same day?!

Damn straight. Justin was good about keeping us sane over in Oppoland. He's the kind of guy that would open palm smack someone for going into hysterics.

Bah, good riddance.

So kids, do you know the moral of the story?

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Remember, this is a prototype. Drop them a line about the interior. You aren't the only one that thinks the interior isn't all that great (lose the lights!).

And that is no exaggeration. Gym 4 sucked.

What "stöke" said.

You think that *everyone* should fuck.

I sense a joke.....

A friend actually tried that excuse. The CHP officer laughed and pointed at his cruiser. It was also a Mustang GT. "Wanna try that again?"

Thats an awesome idea. It would be perfect for my F350 with the 85mph speedo.

Well what do you know, an electric car I'd actually buy!

I'm wondering why you're allowed to be here, advertising your site and touting a Gold Star to boot.

I read this in Mayhem's voice.

Google. The answer is always Google.

I might not understand all the love the loony fan-boys have for Apple, but I can understand the impact Steve created.

You've put a lot of thought into this.

"I still love carburetors, but not in my daily driver."

Fantastic. Now I can just look at the good parts. 8D

I've tried to figure it out too. My best theory is that Chumlee's parents were good friends with Rick and made him promise that their boy would always have a job.