TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

All of these "reality" TV shows wind up the same way by the third episode: a fuckin' soap opera.

Well played good sir.

I was waiting for someone to make that comment. =)

It was probably ashamed to be sharing air-time with these assholes (and all the other jerk-offs on the History channel, Top Gear:USA excluded).

Change, hell no. But she does give out coupons.

Well done, ya filthy animal.

If anyone feels the need to Photoshop out Megan Fox's face, that would be fine by me.

"Merchandising, merchandising, where the real money from the movie is made. Spaceballs-the T-shirt, Spaceballs-the Coloring Book, Spaceballs-the Lunch box, Spaceballs-the Breakfast Cereal, Spaceballs-the Flame Thrower. The kids love this one."

You would be surprised Brony. Theres at least a dozen of us here.

No, you didn't fix anything for me, simply because I'm not a moron and actually enjoy using the English language in a proper fashion.

Well fuckin' said.

I approve of this plan.

Well played, ya delinquent.

You want Arianna to make a move on you?

Other than being sister sites, Giz and Jalop have nothing to do with each other.

And don't forget fine purveyor of whips and chains and exhaust lube.

"All of us here at Jalopnik have worked our asses off to be seen as a journalistic endeavor, casting aside establishment perceptions of internet journalists as nothing more than a pack of illiterate, chattering Internet gibbons."

*slow clapping* That was brilliant.

I'm pretty sure Paris is worth less than that.

I do declare your second tag to be best tag.