TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Oh you.

Now playing

Did anyone else read "lepidopteran" as "Leoplurodon"?

We've been hypnotized by the Internetz beauty!!

From what I understand, the 409 powered Bel Airs were absolute monsters.

Wait, I thought you were the Prince of New Jersey? I haz a confused.

Yeah bitch about it pal. You've got the cash on hand to buy half the car makers in the UK but still can't make a half decent interior.

Congrats bro. You just made yourself look stupid.

That's what it said on Ask Jeeves.

Crash through their front window, claim "unintended acceleration"?

That is why Youtube was invented.

Wait, I just saw the front. Fix it Toyota and we've got a deal.

Moonlighting is way better than Friends.

We get it brah.

Does it really matter? If anyone doesn't know they can always Just Fuckin' Google It.

Well said.

'Ere mate, have a pint.