TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

*deep inhale on second-hand smoke* Wha.. what were we talking about man?

*puffpuff, pass* Here, wacky weed always helps....

Oh shit. Set it on fire, please.

So basically, it will be so damn fast, we wont have to see how fucking ugly it is.

You're right. Just give it time. And if not Ford, Shelby would give it a green light.

I've been trying to get Oppo-land to go back that far so I can screen-cap that madness. Damn that was a good day.

In-N-Out doesn't have coupons.

Haven't read that in years.

That is true. One of the reasons I preferred Jalopnik 4.9: Gray background.

So everyone with a fifth grade comprehension level of reading and writing and spent all their spare time warming up on Youtube and Reddit can freely comment?

I'm glad Nick Denton exists. Gives me someone to hate.

Hay guise!! Did u here bout teh new Mustang speciil edition?

I'd pay a dollar to see that.

Its nice to see all these morons over-reacting.

You are epic win.

And I'm pretty damn sure its a bunny, not a hamster. At least, thats the only macro image I've seen.

Make that lil shit the hood ornament.

I've been one of those kids before.