TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Haul all the kids!

Thats not funny.

*ba dum tish*

Because in first world countries, we tend not to pack minivans with 5 dozen children.

How the... Well played ya sicko.

Sea level. Thats where it would wind up if it took a lap around there. But the time? "Holy crap."

Wait, its medicine you give your car.

I drove my uncle's '94 Vic for a couple of months and loved every minute of it. It was like driving two couches with a V8. Big, surprisingly quick and decent mileage. Can't ask for much more.

I'll just leave this here.

Nope, thats Roberto le Troll.

Fuckin' A bro, that was epic.

Fuckin' hell... what is the redline on that monster? Engine sounded like it was trying to jump ship.

I'm a card-carrying pestimist.

"Ambitious but rubbish."

You're here too.

"Marry me."


So how long until all the LOLcats irritated you?

This is why scrambling to complete a school project on time and surfing Jalopnik at the same time isn't a good idea.

I don't think there isn't anything insane, offensive or hilarious that can't be depicted using 60s Spiderman. Definitely one of the best damn memes to ever come around.